Your Data Driven Road to Recovery
Remote patient monitoring and consultation services to support your recovery process and enhance success.
Accurately assess your mental health status with AI driven analytics.
Track your recovery progress with key metrics measured monthly.
Accomplish your goals when motivated by actionable insight.
Meaningfully tracking your recovery progress is complex and challenging. Our program provides structure to support and monitor your recovery while delivering data driven insights to highlight success and illuminate themes in need of attention.
Complete video check-in’s and monthly assessments on your schedule and from anywhere you have an internet connection.
Receive monthly progress monitoring sessions with an Aware AI Progress Analyst to review your monthly report and gain insight on your development.
Optional remote automated random drug screening to help clients meet their recovery goals.
Research indicates routine progress monitoring improves long term outcomes and allows for early intervention by providing insight into client progress.
Individuals, families, and providers often do not have the time, resources, or ability to meaningfully track recovery progress. This can leave you feeling unsure of your current improvement and unaware of the next step.
We offer meaningful, cost effective mental health data aggregation and consultation expertise to you and your identified support network to help you understand exactly where you are in your recovery journey to help you celebrate measured success and work on areas in need of attention.