
Our year long comprehensive recovery program is aimed at individuals in recovery who are currently or will soon discharge from an inpatient or detox program.  The program combines weekly video check-in’s, monthly evaluations and quarterly mental health assessments to deliver comprehensive data reports to clients and their support teams.  These reports are useful for identifying areas to focus treatment on as well as providing insights into an individual’s change over time.

A Program tailored to recovery

Weekly Video Check-in’s

Weekly check-in’s encourage introspection through thought-provoking questions which cycle through the 8 Keys of Recovery: purpose, support, structured time, self-efficacy, insight, planning, family, and health and wellness.

Monthly Evaluations

At the start of each month, clients will complete an evaluation to track their progress. These repeating evaluations are useful to elucidate an individual’s outcome trends month to month.

Quarterly Mental Health Assessments

Each quarter, clients complete a normed and valid outcome questionnaire, an in-depth, peer-reviewed assessment of mental health functioning. This assessment provides broad insight into a client’s recovery trajectory.

How it works


Clients receive a notification directly to their inbox  informing them their check-in or assessment is ready.  They simply click the link and follow the instructions to complete the video responses or evaluations.


The AwareAi Progress Analyst meets with clients or team members monthly to review their personalized data report and bring attention to any areas in need of enhanced care and highlight notable trends in the data.


Practitioners utilize information from these data reports as well as transcripts of their client’s video recordings to quickly and efficiently gather insight on areas to target during the next therapeutic session.

Supplementary Drug Screenings

We offer the option of adding random or practitioner triggered video recorded drug screenings.  These screenings add a layer of accountability helpful in maintaining recovery goals.  Please visit our Drug Screenings page for more details.

The 8 Keys of Recovery

Each week of the year-long AwareAi Recovery Program focuses on one of the 8 Keys of Recovery. These Keys are designed to facilitate thought around the topics most central to successful recovery. The program cycles through the 8 Keys, giving the client the opportunity to routinely revisit the keys and note their personal progress.

  • Purpose

    Identify a genuine and specific purpose that is true to your personal value system.

  • Support

    Develop a supportive community that will hold you accountable to your recovery goals.

  • Structured Time

    Acknowledge change doesn’t happen overnight and time is a necessary ingredient to success.

  • Self-Efficacy

    Know, develop, maintain and rely on your strengths, skills, and abilities to make healthy choices.

  • Insight

    Strive for insight and self-awareness around your behaviors and thought patterns.

  • Plan

    Manage potential relapse by building and maintaining a relapse prevention plan.

  • Family/Loved Ones

    Nurture secure relationships with your family and loved ones.

  • Health and Wellness

    Take care of your physical health in order to in turn improve your mental health.

©2022 - Aware AI